Brave New Girl by Rachel Vincent

Photo by Claire Morgan on

Today I will be reviewing the book Brave New Girl. The book, in my opinion, is a great read, and something I would highly recommend you look into! I really liked this book because of the mix of action and romance that the author incorporated into the plot and story line, and the way the writer managed to portray her image of the story is remarkable! The story line in the book feature a story about a girl named Dahlia 16. Dahlia isn’t a normal girl, though. She is used to being around other girls that look exactly like her, because she is one clone in 5000. Her home city, the city of Lakeview, bases their society on everyone working as a whole. Everyone living there is considered one pixel out of thousands, because the city can only function if all its citizens are working together. This is what all of the residents are told. There children are genetically engineered by specially trained geneticists, and anything out of the ordinary is a flaw that must be recalled. So no fraternizing with other units, no breaking the rules. But then Dahlia 16 meets Trigger 17, who think he she is beautiful and unique, and everything changes. If Dahlia is caught with this boy, it would seal the fates of all five thousand of her identical sisters. But what if Dahlia 16 is different? Soon this quiet girl who always followed the rules is breaking them, one by one…

There is more to read! This book has a sequel with new mysteries and new adventures too! So don’t think I’ve written about everything there is to know about either of them!. You can probably find these books at your local Chapters store, Walmart, or you could just search it up online. You can also find other books by Rachel Vincent on Libby, a free mobile app that can be found on google play or app store. As always, have a wonderful day, week, month, and year!

Your daily inspiration! 37 points total! I would definitely use this in my next scrabble game…
